The Jefferson Parish Department of Community Development was awarded new HOME ARP (American Rescue Plan) funds in the amount of $5,664,957. 

HOME ARP NOFA (Notice of Funding Availability) 

HOME ARP eligible activities include: shelter and housing for individuals and families experiencing homelessness, those at risk of homelessness, individuals and families fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking or human trafficking and/or other populations for whom supporting services or assistance would prevent homelessness or serve those at risk of housing instability. Veterans and families with a veteran family member meeting one of the above eligible categories are also a priority. 

Please provide any comments or suggestions on the use of HOME ARP funds to the following email by February 7, 2023: JPCDPrograms@jeffparish.net or contact the Jefferson Parish Department of Community Development at 1221 Elmwood Park Blvd. Suite 605, Jefferson, LA 70123 or call 504-736-6262.

Public Meeting PowerPoint with draft HOME ARP Allocation Plan

Public Notice Announcing HOME ARP Hearing and Draft Allocation Plan

Summary of Use of HOME ARP Allocation Categories 

Use of HOME ARP Funding


Funding Amount

Precent of the Grant

Statutory Limit

Supportive Services

$400,000 N/A N/A

Acquisition and Development of Non-Congregate Shelters

$2,750,000 N/A N/A

Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA)

$650,000 N/A N/A

Development of Affordable Rental Housing

$1,015,213 N/A N/A

Non-Proft Operating

$0 2% 5%

Non-Profit Capacity Building

$0 0% 5%

Administration and Planning

$849,744 15% 15%

Total HOME ARP Allocation

$5,664,957 N/A N/A