Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)

Jefferson Parish Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)

Under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) must develop an emergency response plan, review the plan at least annually, and provide information about chemicals in the community to citizens. Plans are developed by LEPCs with stakeholder participation. There is one LEPC for each of the more than 3,000 designated local emergency planning districts. The LEPC membership includes:

  • Elected state and local officials
  • Police, fire, civil defense, and public health professionals
  • Environment, transportation, and hospital officials
  • Facility representatives
  • Representatives from community groups and the media

Contact Information:  Jefferson Parish Emergency Planning Committee

c/o Jefferson Parish HazMat Unit

834 South Clearview Pkwy, Second Floor

Jefferson, LA 70123

Phone: (504) 736-6211

Fax: (504) 736-6247

Email: jplepc@jeffparish.net

Website: http://www.jeffparish.net

To request information on chemical facilities in Jefferson Parish one must contact the Jefferson Parish Attorney’s Office @ 504-736-6300 or 504-364-3822 or submit the Public Records Request form found <HERE>.

The Jefferson Parish Local Emergency Planning Committee meets quarterly. We alternate our meeting between the east bank and the west bank. Meeting locations are based on availability. Announcements are posted in the official register.  

Mailing Address:  Jefferson Parish Emergency Planning Committee

c/o Jefferson Parish HazMat Unit

834 South Clearview Pkwy, Second Floor

Jefferson, LA 70123